I'll say it until I'm blue in the face, Beach Sessions are my JAM! But let me preface by saying, it wasn't always that way…
it can extremely intimidating working with lighting that changes every minute and especially when you're out in the open with nothing to shield the light. Just the beach, you and the sky. For those that don't understand how to utilize their camera and the lighting can bring you some extreme blown out highlights and washed out subjects. TRUST ME, been there, done that! I'm so thankful that I've moved passed that stage because I'd shoot at the beach any time, any place, even in a thunderstorm.
ANYHOO, lets get back to the real reason I'm even here. I had a lovely photographer friend refer this sweet couple my way when they were making their plans to visit Virginia Beach for their anniversary(can I just mention how much I love that we live in a Destination City?!). And what better way to celebrate a milestone than with a photography session. Tiffany and Jay are full of humor and fun…you'll see what I'm talking about as you scroll. They also had a BIG announcement to make and wanted to incorporate it into their session…isn't it the sweetest?!
A little side note if you're visiting Virginia Beach and wanting to squeeze in a photography session, late April and early May are so quiet. It's a little pre tourist season so you still get the less crowded beaches.